Thursday, April 9, 2009


Forgot to post this in the last one. Starting Saturday April 11th till Saturday April 18th everything in the store will be on sale. The discount will be from 15% to 50% off your purchase you get to pick (doesn't apply to workshops or workshop surfaces). It's the small retailers scratch and win.

So I am just sitting here at my dining room table typing this out and of course my trusty companion Abby is here with me. She is looking out the window and starts barking like crazy, I think she's making a bit too much fuss for just the neighbourhood squirrels so I look out and there are Turkey's on the front lawn. For those of you who don't know we live in the country so you don't have to worry about wild turkeys overtaking the city. So how guilty will I feel tomorrow when I stuff Tom the Turkey (as my dear old Dad used to call it). I tried to get a picture but was too slow, well that's it for the excitement here in Constance Bay.

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