Wow, where has the time gone, it's been one month since I blogged and a month since I turned 46. My how time flies, I would love to say that it has been a action packed month, with lots of exciting stories. But sadly it has been a pretty mundane month. I did go on a field trip to the Experimental Farm with the Photography class, fortunately it was last
Saturday which was an absolutely gorgeous autumn day. I took lots of shots there but then ended up going to Beechwood
Cemetery, now there is a beautiful place. Beechwood is my Dad's final address and a more beautiful one I couldn't have asked for. I will post some pictures when I get them downloaded.
We've had some great workshops at the store and some great ones coming up. Right now Joanne
Purdy is here teaching the
Pakenham Bridge in oils. Last night I sat in on Wendy's Calendar workshop, of course I didn't finish. Too slow and too chatty. It is always fun though to work with the papers and metal embossing. Be sure to check out her upcoming projects, there is still room in them.
Just this past week there have been two deaths that while not directly connected to me or my family have stopped and made us think. First was this past Wednesday a boy that goes to my daughters school was killed while on the way to school, he was 18. It has really made Anastasia think about life and how short it can be. And this morning through
Facebook I found out that someone that I had went to school with had passed away yesterday. So one young man who was just beginning his life and another man 30 years older who had lived his life but still had so much living to do. It makes you stop and think what is really important. It's not the housework or chores, it is getting out and doing things to make you and the people that you love happy. The housework will still be there but will the people always be there?
Have a great weekend.